2020 was a year like no other and I’m happy it’s over. As of today the vaccine is getting out, our political situation is still a complete mess but it’s early and maybe things will improve. We did manage to pull off a great fishing season last summer. Testing kept the doors open and people fishing thru mid October. Like everyone, I’m hopeful that by summer life and travel will have inched closer to normal. Barring some major new developments we will be opening June 7th.
Last year we had a few big spring construction projects, we demolished our oldest staff cabin and built a new building on the site. We added a new option for guest housing with the complete remodel of an existing river front cabin. The property is better than ever but we’ll never stop improving.
For 2021 we will accommodate a maximum of 12 guests per week operating 3 float planes daily. Once again we will use the services of Katmai Air and their 2, Pilatus PC-12 turbo prop aircraft between Anchorage and King Salmon with Monday departure times remaining the same.
The ADF&G has released their 2021 Bristol Bay sockeye salmon forecast and it looks great! The average run between 1963 and 2020 was 35 million with the last 10 year average at over 48 million. The return for this season is forecast to be over 51 million fish. Obviously we only fish for sockeye a few weeks a season but this is the primary food source and reason for our healthy supply of huge game fish.
Last summer’s Chinook run was a disappointment but we did have low water and with our late start at the beginning of July, missed several prime weeks for spey fishing. This is a new fishery for us, two years ago we had several great weeks of swinging for Kings and anticipate another excellent season. Many anglers that have never tried a two handed rod are intimidated or think it’s going to be a slow learning process. The reality is very different. Within an hour, most, and I’m including all genders and skill levels, have the basics with enough proficiency to actually enjoy the casting and catch fish. If it wasn’t fun we wouldn’t be doing it. We have all the gear so no need to worry about a new pile of gear, though many people have decided a two handed rod should be part of the arsenal.
Most of the faces around the lodge will be the same, just a couple new additions that will add to the great team your used to seeing.
Thanks for Your Support
The team at No See Um wants to extend a genuine ‘thank you’ to all of our wonderful guests who have supported us in these crazy times. Thanks to you we have been able to keep the doors open, our staff employed, and are able to look forward to 2021.